Friday, November 30, 2007

I prefer the Nut Cracker!

Okay, time for something totally irreverent. I spend a lot of time on the road exploring wonderful cultural, historical, and natural places. But occasionally I come upon some truly bizarre things and places. Take for instance the Titty Twister. It's a real store in Pau, France, a small college city in the country's southwest. Just what do they sell or do there I ponder? Is it some kind of bizarre game to play on those French beaches? Is it some new fashion device by Madonna? A new dairy desert? I never did go inside to check it out. I passed the store on a Sunday afternoon and the French at least have the decency to take the day off for the Sabbath. I do wonder however if Titty Twister can be found in the northwestern French city of Brest. Touche!

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