Monday, November 01, 2010

Go East Middle Aged Man!

Well with the Columbia River Gorge and Backpacking books now behind me, it's time to focus on Day Hiking Eastern Washington. I am excited to be working on this book for so many reasons. First and foremost is that it is going to be so much easier to work on than my last two projects. I just completed 2 complete manuscripts in which I hiked over 2,000 miles- did all my own photography and mapping. Now I am working with a co-author, Rich Landers, and we are splitting the tasks of researching, photographing, mapping and writing. So my work load goes from toiling over 2 books to now working on a 1/2 book-that means I am only working at 25% of my previous capacity! Now, normally working below your capacity is nothing to celebrate about -but boy do I need a break right now after working on my hardest project to date. So. it's off to Eastern Washington for me for the next several months. I'll be researching trails in the Kettle River Range, Columbia Plateau and Okanogan Highlands. What's really cool is that this was the area that I originally proposed doing a book on many years ago. I have finally gotten my wish-and I get to revisit so many of favorite places and scope out lots of new places too. And though I have written about Mount Rainier, the North Cascades, the Olympic Peninsula, and the Columbia River Gorge-places of incredible beauty-I find that the northeastern part of the state is one of the most beautiful places in Washington too. I hope you will as well when you pick up this great book. Okay, I have work to do! Happy hiking!

(Photo-looking northwest from Sherman Peak in the Kettles)

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