D-Day 1944
and De-day I moved to Washington in 1989
Wow, I can hardly believe it! It was 65 years ago today that our boys stormed Normandy to kick once and for all some Nazi butt! It is a day that will live in infamy-one that we paid a huge price for in human life-and one that showed that we Americans stand for truth, justice and freedom. I sure hope our president today didn't have any apologetic words for this great American historical moment. I am so thankful and proud to live in this great nation and to live a lifestyle that I have created thanks to this nation.It was 20 years ago today that I arrived in Washington state with my VW golf packed (which I still own) without a clue what I was going to do. I figured I work for the summer-get some hiking in-and then head back east. That never happened (the move back east part). While I miss my dear New Hampshire-things fell in place here in my adopted state of Washington. I went back to college -went to grad school (all which I did while waiting tables to support myself-Horatio Alger would be proud)-taught a little- wrote a little-and then made the big plunge as full time writer and author. It has been a great journey- two decades worth of wonderful tales. I'll never forget when I bought my first Manning and Spring Book-100 Hikes in the Alpine Lakes-devoured it-bought another Manning-Spring guide- hiked it out-bought another and another-and now I have been handed the torch to carry on this great Northwest Hiking legacy. I am proud to represent the Mountaineers Books- to have you trust me as a guide-to have you as a reader and supporter helping me to become a successful writer. I'm looking forward to another 20 years in the Northwest hiking and writing. I thank God that I live in a country where I have the freedom of the hills (to you Harvey) and the freedom to live a life of my choosing (here's to you Vets-for your service and commitment to this country). God Bless America and her open and wild spaces. Now get out there and enjoy this great wonderful land!
(Wow-that has got to be the most patriotic blog entry I have ever written-these reflective pieces do it to me!)
Here's a vintage photo-from a Feb 1990 bike ride on San Juan Island-I first came to the Northwest by bicycle back in 1980-so I figured the bike theme would be nice- dig the flat top!
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