Saturday, April 05, 2008

Snow on the Hoh

No, that's not some sick and twisted (aren't they all?) new Rap Song. I'm talking about the Hoh Rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula and our very cold and wet spring we are currently enduring. While usually by this time the skunk cabbage is releasing its pungent aroma throughout the burgeoning block of biomass known as the Olympic rainforest-this year the new greenery is slow in going. It actually snowed on the Hoh this week. And while most of it is gone along the river, the low lying hills and ridges are still covered in it. So are the scrappy hills just outside of Clallam Bay-an area that is rarely blanketed in white-and certainly not in April. Anyhow, while it will definitely be a late spring here in Washington, I do have some good news for you. Road crews have been busy repairing damages incurred on the Hoh Road this past winter so you won't have any trouble now getting to this part of the world famous biosphere preserve known as Olympic National Park. So can you say, Holy Epiphyte Batman!? Westward Hoh hiking aficionados!

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