Monday, March 17, 2008

What are Trails For?

The latest issue of the Conservation Northwest Quarterly, the newsletter for Conservation Northwest poses the question just, what are trails for? Do they include use by ATVs? Many of our wilderness trails and roadless eastern Washington wilds are currently being threatened by ATV use both illegal and with the blessing of misguided land and government officials. Motorized recreation (wreakreation) next to lack of funding is the biggest threat our trails face this decade. Find out what you can do to thwart the conversion of our wildlands and trails into speedways and backcountry race tracks. Join Conservation Northwest and get involved. And when you read the latest issue of their magazine enjoy my photography! I shot the cover and an inside spread. Both pictures were taken in the Columbia Highlands of Northeastern Washington.

(photos- cover Abercrombie Mountain, and Heather hiking on Hall Mountain)

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