Saturday, January 08, 2011

2010 Milestones

It's that time of the year again when I spend much time planning for the future (present year) and reflecting on the past year. While 2010 was definitely a challenging year for our country and many of her citizens--for me it was a good year overall. I spent the brunt of it working on two books which had me on the trail an inordinate amount of time. In all I recorded just shy of 1,200 miles of hiking (200 miles more than last year). And while hiking took up most of my time, I did manage to still enjoy my other passion, running too. While I was not able to participate in any marathons last year, I did run in a few good races and recorded just shy of 750 miles (100 miles less than last year. This year I will be shifting my priorities with running over hiking as my book workload consists of just one book (so far) and I will be training for something entirely new (details later).

But before I jump into 2011, one last look at 2010. For hiking, it was a great albeit challenging year getting to so many places in so little time. I never hiked so many 25 one day trips in my life than last year. And where did I hike to last year?

  • All over the Columbia River Gorge

  • The Olympic Coast from the Hoh River to Lake Ozette

  • Image lake in the Glacier Peak Wilderness

  • Lake LaCrosse in the heart of the Olympics

  • Devils Dome, Desolation Peak and Copper Ridge in the North Cascades National Park

  • Chain and Doelle Lakes in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness

  • The Kettle Crest
And so many other great places. I relish the memories of those places and the great folks I hiked with as I reread the manuscripts accounting those adventures.

And while I didn't run in any marathons last year, I take with me a cherished memory of almost winning my first race! In tiny Pomeroy, Washington I came in second place in the little Dash for Cash 5K-but had the pleasure and excitement of actually leading the race for about one mile. Ultimately I lost to a young contender who was overcome with joy-and that made me happy too. A medal is meaningless. A warm memory however of someone else overjoyed and glowing is priceless and everlasting.

How about you? What are your warmest memories of hiking and/or running in 2010? And I hope that you, like me, look forward to a wonderful 2011 as well!

(photo-Dash for Cash Awards Ceremony, Pomeroy WA- John Hastings photographer)

1 comment:

RuninDC said...

Sounds like a great Resolution. Wish you all the best.