Day Hiking the Columbia River Gorge
Mission Accomplished!
Sorry to have to use a phrase left over from the W years, but my mission truly is accomplished and I don't plan on spending eight more years or more in the Columbia River Gorge-although I would if I had to! Basically, my research for my latest Day Hiking book is now complete after 13 months of hiking and chronicling 100 hikes in this spectacular region. It truly is one of the great places of America and would definitely have been a national park if it wasn't such an important trade and travel route-but in 1986 the gorge became a National Scenic Area, the only one of its kind with all sorts of important protections and ways to allow residents who call this place home ways to still live and prosper here. Next year marks the 25th anniversary of the landmark act that established the national scenic area and my book will help with the celebrations. My final hike for the research was 21 miles to Greenpoint Mountain from Herman Creek-Now, that entire hike isn't for the book for very few folks (sane ones I might add) consider 21 miles a day hike. The day hike portion is actually a nine mile loop up Nick Eaton Ridge to Indian Point. Why I did the extra miles is because I am working in tandem with Green Trails Maps on two brand new Columbia River Gorge special series trails maps. One of the two-the western one will also be out for the 25th anniversary celebration. Can't wait to celebrate-but in the meantime-still much work needs to be done on the manuscript. Okay, 'nuff said-back to work!
Photo-the view east from Indian Point on Nick Eaton Ridge, Hood River County, Oregon.
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