Thursday, November 12, 2009

Face-booking the Music!

Okay...It was inevitable. This New England native who hates change has had to acquiesce to so many of them over the years. First it was synthetic clothing-then the computer-the Internet-cell phones-and now social networking sites. Egads! But, to my Luddite curmudgeon friends out there-don't despair-I still don't have a blackberry, laptop, and cable-Yep-no cable-just lots of DVDs.

So, now I have joined Facebook and like many neophytes to it, at first I became intoxicated with the pings, dings, and hyperspace flings! But, I have to be honest with you. I am using it too, to shamelessly promote my work! Yep-to get you more interested in my books and writings. So, I am inviting you all to become a fan of mine on my facebook page. I have two pages-one is just my personal page which will be for BSing about whatever you, me and our friends want to talk about. The other, Craig Romano Guidebook Author is my business page. Please consider becoming a fan. We know what's in it for me-but how about what's in it for you? Well, you'll be notified of my upcoming talks, presentations, showings and works-and you'll be able to participate in contests in which I'll give away some of my books. How's that? So, come on by and sign up. And-of course I'd love to meet you in the real world too-so stop by one of my upcoming book talks. They are all listed on my website too.

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