Wednesday, November 15, 2006

New Wilderness in New Hampshire?

While the new Democrat-controlled Congress will almost certainly be better for our environment than the present house; (except perhaps for immigration reform. How can you protect our finite resources when you have an uncontrolled and unsustainable immigration policy?) the old congress may still pull a green surprise. Congressman Jeb Bradley (R-NH-1) a proponent of wilderness in NH and VT is still trying to pass his wilderness bill for the White and Green Mountain National Forests.
Unfortunately, this Granite State Republican, an avid hiker and champion of wilderness, lost his reelection bid to an unknown who ran primarily against the war (but does she have anything to run for? Does she have any substance or is she just a knee-jerk leftie?). Mr Bradley still has a short window of time to pass a wilderness bill to help leave my home state with a lasting legacy. We're pulling for you Jeb. In the senate, Judd Gregg and John Sununu, both Republicans also support this legislation. Here is one last stand for the Republicans to redeem themselves on environmental issues. "W" will sign it. What are you waiting for? And Washington State members of congress, what are you waiting for? The obnoxious obstructionist rancher from Stockton (Richard Pombo) is done! Ciao chooch! Let's get a Kettle Mountain Wilderness now! Andiamo!

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